Recently I've latched onto a few projects worth mentioning. First, for the past 2 months or so, I've been teaching English classes: one for adults, and one for kids, both once a week in the nearby school. English classes are secondary, voluntary projects for Volunteers (although after last week's training seminar I wouldn't be surprised if English is a mandatory activity in the future). I've enjoyed getting to know more community members through the classes, and unlike some other subjects, English is something in which I can claim to be an expert. Most often, the classes are informal and fun.
A recent meeting with my community revealed a few potential projects that I've begun researching and developing.
1. Since classes are out for summer (dry season) vacation as of this week, I am planning on starting a Panama Verde group for adolescents who may otherwise be bored over summer vacation. Kind of like an environmentally-focused scouts group, Panama Verde focuses on environmental projects, self-esteem and health education for adolescents in Panama.
2. Also, since there is no trash pickup in town, I am attempting to either organize a trash pickup service and/or educate about the benefits of recycling and composting. Hopefully this will help diminish the currently large amount of garbage being burned every day.
3. Finally, I'm working on a grant proposal to upgrade the dilapidated turtle hatchery on playa La Barqueta. These projects should keep me busy for the next couple months, starting in January after the holidays!
Feliz Navidad!