province will be my site for the next two years! A 15 minute bike ride from the beautiful beach La Barqueta, and an hour away from the mountains and Volcan Baru, I can´t resist to brag that I have the best site in Panama. The Chiriqui province, one of the westernmost provinces on the border of Costa Rica, is known for its beauty and diversity. My work will most likely be distributed between environmental education projects in the nearby town of Guarumal, and a sea turtle conservation project on the beach. Other potential projects include ecotourism development, beach clean-up and work in the nearby mangrove-filled wildlife refuge. I can´t begin to describe the excitement I feel.
The next two weeks I will be training with others placed on coastal sites, back in the town of Canas, Los Santos. The first week will be cultural training, and the second advanced technical training, both conditioned to coastal areas in Panama. The six of us coastal trainees will undoubtably be a tight-knit group by the end of training!